Monday, 6 February 2012

Las Rocas Garnacha

The other day I was at my parent's house in Oakville, and was getting us some wine for dinner. When I was going through their wine fridge I found one of my old favourite reds. The first time that I purchased it, I was immediately drawn to the label (for some reason I just love the writing), and then was secondly drawn to the price of $14.95. I am one that likes to literally judge a book by it's cover, and this trend sometimes makes its way over to how I purchase my wine. If I like the label, I am usually more attracted to it, and I then take the time to look at the region, grape, producer, etc. It might seem a bit ridiculous, but it seems to have worked so far, so I am going to go with it!

The red that I stumbled across in the oh so affordable (I never seem to have to pay for the wine that I get there) wine fridge is Las Rocas Garnacha. It is in the vintages section at the LCBO and I think it is delicious. It is a Garnacha from Spain that has a good strength to it, and smells of raspberries, pepper and earth. If you have heard of a Grenache, this is just the Spanish name for the grape. In France, and other countries, the Grenache is typically blended with other grapes but Las Rocas is made 100% from the Garnacha varietal. The wine has relatively good acidity and tannins, and is in my opinion a perfect winter red.

Happy Monday!


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